amaTrac uluntu (NPO 115-029)
(Formerly The Farm Animal Centre for Education (FACE))
amaTrac uluntu is a training and development Non-Profit Organisation, registered in 2012.
We aim to ensure sustainable change by supporting self-help, independence and reciprocity.
amaTrac uluntu works with whole communities by:
Providing training and support to working donkey owners.
Guiding community people to use donkey power for transport and in agriculture.
Our Vision
Our Vision is that village people realise a healthy interconnected lifestyle.
Our Purpose
The organisations purpose is to enable poor communities to understand the interconnectedness of people, environment and animal health and welfare and to provide guidance on how to achieve overall health.
Our Mission
Our Mission is to empower village people realise a healthy interconnected lifestyle
Our Values
Compassion, understanding and sharing of information.
Our values continue to keep the organisation focused on why we do what we do and to not lose faith in our abilities and the importance of what we do.
amaTrac uluntu STAFF
Michelle Griffith
Bulelani Godla
One Health One Welfare
Dumisa Jacobs
Entrepreneurial Skills Development of Working Donkey Owners
amaTrac uluntu is governed by a Governing Body of 6 members who oversee the strategic matters of the organisation. The members meet 4 x a year.